We’re happy to announce some great new features:
First of all, you now can change the owner of a meeting. This is useful if you want someone else to take over when organizing a meeting. When you are the current owner of a meeting, you will find a new button next to your name in the header of a meeting. This allows you to transfer the ownership of this meeting to another participant of this meeting. Please note this is a premium feature only available to our premium users.
Furthermore, we started with a rework of our user interface (UI). You will notice we changed the look and feel of the dialogs and also changed some UI elements. What you can see now is only the first step. Further improvements of our interface will follow in the next weeks. This is also a step towards better compatibility with mobile devices (Android, iOS etc.)
Another new feature is the possibility to copy the participants list when forwarding a meeting. This is helpful when you want to notify the participants of an important change or want to gather feedback.
Last but not least, we fixed many small bugs and added some minor improvements.
Please let us know if you like the new features and what other features you would like to see in AgreeDo.