Notifications in AgreeDo A basic principle in AgreeDo is that the user decides about notifications. The reason for this is that we do not want to annoy the users with lots of automatic notifications filling their email inboxes. An annoying notification won’t...
Sometimes you want to get rid of a meeting and its contents. While this is quite easy to do in AgreeDo, this article explains in detail how to delete a meeting in AgreeDo. First, you need to open it from the meeting list: Then open the menu on the upper left...
We often get questions from users about how to control the access rights to meeting minutes or agenda in AgreeDo. Often users ask how secure their content is. There are various options to keep your meeting content secure. We’ll try to explain the various options...
This article provides a comparison of AgreeDo Basic to Premium accounts. It quickly answers the question of who should go with the free Basic account, and who should get a Premium AgreeDo account. Permanently free: AgreeDo Basic Account Why does AgreeDo offer a...
I have registered AgreeDo. I am unable to get permission to enter “Assigned to” and “Due date”. I am just able to enter text. How can I assign a task to a user in AgreeDo? How to assign a task to a user in AgreeDo: The answer is quite easy....
To add AgreeDo like an app to your iPhone’s home screen follow the steps below. Actually, we are using a standard feature which allows you to add any URL to your iPhone’s home screen. This feature is included in the Safari browser. So to add AgreeDo to the...
We’re happy to present a new feature, which allows AgreeDo Premium users to customize the header when printing meeting minutes. This allows users to include their company logo or information like contact data in the header of printed meeting minutes. How can I...
We just released a new version of AgreeDo which makes taking meeting notes just a bit nicer. This blog post informs you about new features and bug fixes we made with the current release. We’ll introduce you the major new features in the next paragraphs. Polished...
Task reminders in AgreeDo Some of you wonder why they don’t get reminders for overdue tasks. The reason is that we don’t want to spam your mailbox with lots of reminders and put into control over your reminders. With the Meeting Settings you can activate...
We’re proud to announce that AgreeDo is now available in Dutch. AgreeDo is nu beschikbaar in de Nederlandse taal. Welkom bij alle gebruikers uit Nederland. You can now sign up for a new account in Dutch. If you already have an account, just log in and switch...