Featured Coverage

Agreedo has been covered both by NetworkWorld and by CMSWire: Real-Time Meeting Collaboration with Agreedo.com On CMSWire, by Geoff Spick. A new-ish collaboration tool Agreedo allows users to make plans available to online colleagues to better prepare, run and manage...

New Feature: Password Protected Public Meetings

So far, public meetings were accessible to anyone knowing the URL to the meeting. To add some security, public meetings can be protected by a password. That is, they only can be viewed by someone knowing the URL and the password. Users, who are listed as participants,...

New Features: Links, Tasks, Author Information

We just activaed some new features: Web-links in meetings are now clickable. If you are editing the meeting, a clickable link will appear below the text box. See also the example in the picture. We re-designed the usage of tasks in follow-up-meetings. If you wanted to...

New Features: Improved Online-Meetings

We improved our Online View feature, which allows you to see what others are writing in your meetings in real-time: Below the navigation on the right, you see a list of all users currently viewing your meeting. When someone edits a line in a meeting, everyone else...

New Features: Meeting Timer, Optimized Layout

We just added new features: We added a timer on the meeting page which allows you to track the time during your meetings. It contains a count-down which allows you to see how much time you have left to discuss your agenda items. It also contains a timer which tracks...

Increased Security: SSL by Default

To increase the security of your valuable data, we enabled SSL-encryption by default for agreedo.com. That is, all data travelling between you and our servers will be encrypted, so that no unauthorized third party is able to read the information you share using...

New Feature: See Follow-Up Meetings

We just added two tiny but neat features: A meeting now shows preceding meetings directly above the title, if there are any. Tasks can now be marked as done/undone directly in a meeting. Just click on the check-box on the right of the task’s...

New Features: Search, Collapse Topics

We just added a new feature: you now can search your meetings. Just enter a search query into the box in the upper right corner. We also added a feature which allows you to collapse topics in your meetings, giving you a better overview over long meetings.